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Ask any chef or connoisseur and they’ll instantly be able to highlight a few of the best Welsh FoodWelsh dishes of which, they’d probably agree, are among many. From the classic to the contemporary, there’s such a wide variety of excellent Welsh flavours for you to try.

If you’re after gourmet evenings in hotels in Snowdonia, your taste buds will definitely thank you for testing some of the finest foods on show. As there’s so much cuisine to mention, here are some of the most beloved Welsh treats.


A wholesome delight, rarebit is synonymous with any reputable Welsh restaurant’s menu. Of the savoury variety, cheese is the main ingredient with it being lavished over hot, toasted bread.

Various other parts of the delicious dish can be added depending on the region of Wales it hails from. Some people favour accentuating it with tomato and basil to give it a continental twist whilst serving it with an egg on top is considered popular also.

As for the peculiar name, historians point towards a mutation of “rabbit” as said in the Welsh tongue as the term itself has no meaning in the language.


A great tonic for the icy winter weather in Wales, this stew is eaten throughout the country with certain ingredients giving it that unique charm.

Commonly in a bowl of cawl you’d find bacon or beef with vegetables which (depending on the cook) can range from swede to potatoes. In more modern times, lamb has been found to be a tastier basis for the dish as a whole with the eponymous leek also being introduced.

Welsh cakes

This delicious sweet can be found in tearooms across Wales and is particularly eaten during breakfast or lunch time.

Before cooking on a bakestone, Welsh cakes are layered with raisins and sultanas and often buttered after being split in two. Suitable either hot or cold, this gorgeous snack is a real treat and has even been featured on Good Morning America!

With these and so much more to indulge yourself with around Wales, there’s a treat for every eager palate if you’re into your gourmet dining.